Spring bulbs have now arrived at Root One! Now is the perfect time to start planting next year’s Spring bulb display. At this time of year, the soil is still warm and therefore favourable conditions to develop a strong and healthy root system. Here we have compiled some useful tips for bulb planting for guaranteed Spring colour.

How to Plant Them

Spring bulbs should be planted from September up until November. Planting late is fine however this may result in a blind bulb. A blind bulb doesn’t flower the first year, but a good feed will restore the energy required for next year’s flower. Clear your chosen area of weeds and loosen the soil, using a border fork or a hand fork.

Mix in Miracle-Gro Bulb Fibre with the soil to create some fresh, fertile soil for the roots. To get the best out of your bulbs Empathy Bulb Starter is a great choice for increasing nutrient intake, improving and prolonging flowering and aiding germination. Its biologically active and is designed to encourage strong healthy plants year after year.

As a general rule dig a hole about two and half times deeper than the size of the bulb, this may vary depending on variety so always check the packaging beforehand or refer to the handy guide below.

We recommend using a bulb planter, long or short. A bulb planter will retain the soil, making it easier and quicker to plant your bulbs. Finally plant the bulb pointy side up with the flat base (roots) pointing down and cover the bulb with compost.

Another helpful tip for bulb planting is to plant them in a bulb basket. It’s simple to use and allows you to lift the bulbs up for storing after the flowering season has ended. Just layer your basket with soil and place your bulbs inside making sure they are the recommended distance apart, then bury the basket at the required depth complete with the bulbs. Remember as the bulbs start to die off, they will continue to take in sunlight and store food ready for the next flowering season, let the foliage die down naturally before you lift and store them. You can store them in sawdust somewhere cool and dark.

If remembering to lift the bulbs every year is not a possibility, many species of tulips can be left indefinitely, providing they are planted in a good sunny position with good drainage. You can also leave the common snowdrop Galanthus nivalis in the ground to increase year after year. Clumps scan be divided after flowering.

Our Favourite Spring-flowering Bulbs


After a long cold, Winter the bright yellow Daffodil is a cheery sight in early Spring. The Daffodil is one of the most popular and reliable Spring-flowering bulbs, that come in a wide range of flower shapes, sizes and shades of yellow, orange and white. Daffodils prefer well drained soil that is kept moist during the growing season.

Plant them in groups of the same colour for impact, at least six bulbs should give a good show. You can also arrange by height, with taller varieties of daffodils at the back of a border with Tete-a-Tete miniature daffodils in the front.


The Crocus can bloom as early as February if its been a mild Winter and is considered one of the first signs of Spring by gardeners. Crocuses are perfect for creating a carpet of Spring colour as they often spread and form large clumps over the years. They also look particularly striking in borders, rockeries or planters. We have a wide range of Crocus bulbs including the larger Dutch varieties.


Although the Snowdrop isn’t colourful as such it is still one of our favourites. Its one of the earliest Spring flowering bulbs which is a welcome assurance that brighter days are on the way. Snowdrops prefer moisture retentive soil in a partially shady spot and are ideal for planting under trees.


Tulips are a popular addition to a Spring garden and are perfect for creating impact and colour to beds, borders and containers. These beautiful Spring flowers look best if they are planted in mass clumps rather than individually to prevent them from toppling over in strong winds. They prefer well-drained soil in full or afternoon sun.


Alliums offers impact, height and colour during late spring, flowering from May onwards. Alliums are hardy and easy to grow, and come in a superb range of heights, colours and sizes. They hold their colour for several weeks making them a perfect choice for cut flowers, they are also fantastic for attracting pollinators. Alliums prefer well-drained soil, they like sunshine but the flowers will last longer in partial shade.

We’re Here to Help

If you’re looking for advice on something we’ve not mentioned above, our friendly staff are always on hand to help.